Aquapel is an effective water-repellent agent for car windows and other vehicles. After application, it reduces the need to use windshield wipers, especially at speeds above 70 km/h. Safety improves, for example, when a stream of spray flies from a passing oncoming car that has driven into a deep puddle, when the view is blocked for a second until the wipers are turned on. When the glass is treated, the water instantly breaks up into drops and rolls off. When the glass is untreated, water covers it, resulting in temporary visibility to zero.
Make it easier to remove snow and ice. Ice does not stick and can be easily removed even with a rubber scraper without the need to warm up the glass. Dried insects can be easily removed with a regular damp cloth without the use of special cleaning agents. Reduces staining after drying from salt or sea water. Reduces washer fluid consumption.
One capsule is enough to treat a windshield and two front windows. To treat all the glass of a passenger car, 2 capsules are needed, for a jeep - 3. The effect lasts up to 10 months (much longer than any similar means). The effect of the treatment will not disappear after washing the car with chemicals and using winter alcohol-containing liquids.
Before use, thoroughly clean the surface of the glass; it must be clean, dry and grease-free. Squeeze the Aquapel capsule using the “wings” and wet the sponge. Using smooth vertical, horizontal or circular movements, cover the surface evenly 2-3 times. After application, remove any remaining liquid with napkins or a cloth and polish the glass surfaces. The products must be used within 15 minutes.