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    Audi A8 2011-2017 rear dynamic turn signals

    Price: 60.00 EUR

    Dynamic turn indicators for Audi A8 2011-2017.

    Modules allow you to turn a standard rear signal repeater indicator into a dynamic one.

    Modules are adapted for a specific car. Installed between the rear lights and the original connectors matching them.

    No rewiring required, Plug and Play connection. No computer coding required. There are no errors on the dashboard or diagnostics.

    The speed of the “treadmill” is adjustable on the module from 0 (the repeaters work like the original ones, without dynamics) to 9.

    The modules are installed from the interior, at the rear, behind the lights. To install, you need to remove the lights from the body and connect the modules.

    At the end of the video, there is an example of installation on a BMW F30.

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